THANK YOU to the Rotary of Warren County for gifting the men of HSSL with Father’s Day cards! #frontroyalva#warrencountyva#rotaryclub#fathersday#hiddenspringsseniorliving
Laura creates a beautiful flower arrangement for each resident’s birthday! We appreciate you! #Flowers #thoughtful #birthday #hiddenspringsseniorliving
On behalf of the Bentley family, our staff enjoyed a delicious meal and a t-shirt to wear. #thankyou#thoughtful#appreciation#staff#hiddenspringsseniorliving
Here’s Tancy Seal, sharing her time and talents with the residents of Hidden Springs. Old hymns are food for the soul! #hymnsong #soulfood #hiddenspringsseniorliving
Jasmine’s favorite part of working at HSSL, “taking care of the residents and becoming a part of their family.” #family#love#happiness#hiddenspringsseniorliving